Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Guess this one...

1。 开什么车不需要汽油?

2。 如果你有一百块,要买一百只鸡,公鸡6块,母鸡3块,小鸡1毛,要几只公、母、小鸡才能买一百只

Friday, May 9, 2008

chat with WH

so long did not chat with WH,so when we got the chance to chat,i managed to ask him what course is he going to study in tarc, he said banking and finance.So i answered him"cool".but he said"not as cool as engineering".really sweat=="

He also had he has to study Islamic banking,all the best to u WH! wish u luck.but he will only learn Islamic banking at advance diploma,two years from now.